Viw Magazine


Design, chic and practical, the shade sail is the solution of choice to protect you from the sun wherever you want. Advice for the positioning of the shade sail, the duration of installation, including the designation of the fixing points, this guide is there for you. Here are our tips on the different questions you can ask yourself about installing a shade sail.

Where to install your shade sail?

The first reflex to choose the ideal location: find fixing points. Without them, no shadow on the horizon! On what to fix your shade sail? Tree trunks, poles, the roof or the facade of your house. Keep an eye out and choose your favorite place for long hours of idleness.

Do you have no support on which to attach your shade sail? No problem. Different masts and fixings have been designed to allow you to install your sail wherever you want.

The shade sail provides a saving shade when the sun is shining outside. To take full advantage of it, remember to position it according to the orientation and movement of the sun relative to the place you have chosen, where it is strongest in summer. Finally, to avoid unpleasant surprises, do not install the sail under a high voltage line or the power line connecting the house to the network.

The shade sail is an effective and elegant solution to create shade and enhance your exteriors.

Do you live in the city and like to relax on your balcony from the first rays of the sun? A sail is, therefore, an excellent compromise between an overly bulky parasol and an expensive awning that requires substantial installation. It is also an effective way to protect yourself from prying eyes.

If you have a garden, the shade sail will necessarily find its place on the terrace. There, sheltered from the sun, you can make the most of the moments spent with family or friends. A small decorative tip that will have its effect: marry several sails of different shapes and colors to compose a breathtaking exterior.

Pool owners also appreciate having a shaded area where they can rest after a few laps. Many of them also opt for a shade sail. A design solution to cover a large part of the swimming pool while giving it a cozy touch. Why not install a sail around yours? Guaranteed wow effect!

Shade sail installation: how to do it?

Install your shade sail yourself: possible or not?

Don’t have the soul of a handyman? Rest assured, mounting a canvas does not require any technical skills. You can completely install your shade sail yourself. In addition, thanks to hanging and tensioning kit including all the necessary accessories, the operation takes only five minutes. All this without the need for specific tools or equipment. Unless, of course, if you want to install your sail against a wall, in which case you will need a piston ring or a dowel with a carabiner to fix it.

For an even easier and faster installation, call on a group of friends. They will certainly be very happy to lend you a hand before enjoying a good barbecue in the shade of your sail. A good way to combine business with pleasure.

Define the ideal location

Before you start, remember to choose the place where you will install your shade cloth. Rather at the bottom of the garden? On the terrace? Above your garden table or jacuzzi? In the middle of a schoolyard? On a parking lot? Whether you are a private individual or a professional, the possibilities are endless. The only criterion to consider: the orientation of the sun. Plan to mount your shading solution where you will be best protected from the sun’s rays during the hottest hours of summer.

Find the fixing points of your shade sail

You have identified the ideal location; it only remains to find solid support on which you can attach the ropes. There, you have two options: use elements from your exterior such as a steel pole, a roof beam, a tree (make sure it is solid). Or opt for a practical solution like masts for shade sails. Do you fear for the aesthetic side? Our masts have been manufactured in high-quality material (anodized aluminum) which gives them a shiny and design appearance.

Take the kit out of its packaging

This includes the shade sail, 2.5 meters of rope for each point of the fabric, and the self-locking pliers + their tensioning clams. You are free to add additional hanging systems to increase the tension or create a different effect.

Tying the ropes

Nothing easier! Shade Sail kits include one rope per tip. For each point in the sail, slide the rope through the pliers. Then attach the other end of the rope to the fixed support you have chosen. Repeat for each tip. It only remains to power up.

Powering up: the last step in setting up a shade sail

This is the moment our customers prefer: power-up. Some shade sails are designed in a fabric that gives them unique elasticity. You gain up to 20% more shade surface. Thus, a sail of 3 meters side can measure up to 3.5 meters when stretched. Not only is the rendering more elegant, but in addition, your sail is more resistant to winds. To tension, the canvas, use the tensioning clamp supplied.

That is all! It’s time to indulge in a few hours of lazing, away from the sun and heat.

Which support to choose for the installation of its shade sail?

On the front of your house

Practical and inexpensive, this is the solution chosen by most shade sail owners. Be careful, however, be very careful and use suitable ankles so that the sail does not fly away at the first gust of wind. In case of bad weather, the load applied to the fastenings of the shade cloth can be very strong.

If you made the choice of this type of attachment with a triangular sail, know that there are two possible configuration modes: the tip of the triangle attached to the facade (1 attachment point), or 2 attachment points to the wall. This last solution will allow you to protect a window or a bay window from too much sunshine for example.

Around a roof beam

Another type of support possible to install your shade sail: the beams of your roof. Of course, these should be thick (minimum 60 mm) and healthy. To assess the condition of a beam, there is a professional tip that consists of pricking the latter with a punch. If it penetrates more easily than healthy wood, then this is not a good sign. Choose another support to fix your canvas.

A pole

Choose a post made of rot-proof material, such as stainless steel or steel. Make sure it is deeply anchored in the ground.

On a tree in your garden

An ingenious way to take advantage of the trees in your garden! We do not recommend fixing its shade sail only on trees, but rather for a corner only. Finally, for a correctly installed sail, choose a solid tree. An oak, for example, will do just fine.


You are ready to act! Installing a shade sail is simple. Follow our advice and you will soon be able to stay out of the sun, to better enjoy your garden.


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