Viw Magazine

The Speedy Switch - 6 Ways to Streamline the Move Out Process

  • Written by News Feature Team

The list of things you need to take care of when you are moving can be almost endless.

To help you streamline the process, we have created a list of six things that can help make moving quicker and easier. So for a less stressful move use a few of these tips!


  1. Outsource Labour


If you are want to streamline the process of getting packed and having the old property prepped for the new residents, you might want to consider bringing in some help. There are plenty of companies, such as Whizz cleaning services, that will come in after you have packed up and give the place a final thorough clean before you leave for good.


If you don’t have the resources to hire a cleaning or packing service, you can always host a working bee with friends or family and all you need to do is provide pizza or fire up the barbeque. Just a couple of extra pairs of hands can make the process of moving much quicker and less stressful.


  1. Try Not to BUY Boxes


If you are organized there is no need to buy all (or any) of your boxes.

It is much cheaper and better for the environment if you source boxes from other places and reuse them. Your first port of call is to ask any friends who have recently moved and ask if you can borrow any boxes they have left over. If you need more, you can check in at local businesses that receive deliveries and offer a small amount of money to take the boxes off of their hands.


  1. Sort Out Your Utilities


As soon as you have confirmed your move date, you need to look into what is required to get your bills switched over to your new address and what you need to do to make sure you have running water and gas (at least) when you move. There is nothing worse than having to go for a few days in an unfamiliar place without most of your belongings unpacked and without your basic services connected.


  1. Pack Essential Items in Your Car


Whether you are hiring a moving van or ferrying your things back and forth with your car, you should move your essential items in the first trip in the car. Then put them somewhere so you can easily access the things you will need in the first few days in your new home.

Some things you might include are:


  • Anything left in the fridge

  • A few changes of clothes

  • Bedding

  • A kettle

  • Any chargers or electronics you use daily

  • A couple of glasses/ mugs

  • A book

  • A towel

  • Toiletries

  • Medication

  • Cleaning supplies

  • Pet/ kids essentials


  1. Take the Opportunity to Sort


Whilst you are planning your move schedule you should give yourself enough time to sort through your belongings and decide what is worth bringing with you. Everyone has things they no longer want or need and moving is the perfect excuse to purge all of the things that would just collect dust if they came with you to your new home. You can donate, sell or give away anything that is still in good condition, everybody loves free stuff!


  1. Label Everything


It may seem like labeling and listing everything as you pack it away is tedious and slow, but it will save you so much frustration in the long run. I guarantee that once you have moved all of the boxes to your car and into the new place they will all look exactly the same and you will have a snowball's chance in hell of remembering what you put where. Save yourself the effort of having to go through three or four boxes every time you want something and just label your boxes!


Once you are settled the effort will all be worth it and you can sit back and enjoy your new home. Until then make your life a little easier and consider a couple of these tips!




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