Viw Magazine

Digital Marketing – Is It Really The Answer?

  • Written by News Company

In future times, people will look back at the 50 years that begin in the 1980s, as a time that revolutionised modern society. It’s hard to believe that a bunch of ones and zeros could have such a dramatic impact on our lives, but sure enough, the digital highway we call the Internet has firmly established itself as an indispensable platform that is playing more and more of a role. Anyone who is contemplating a business startup cannot afford to overlook digital marketing, and such is the competition on the World Wide Web that only an experienced digital marketing agency like the Auckland digital marketing agency will do.

Search Engine Optimisation

When the majority of global online consumers want to source a product or service, who do they turn to? Google and other such search engines are the major choice for the online shopper, and with all of your competition having a strong online presence, the only way you are going to get a lion’s share of the market is to hire the services of a digital marketing expert. There are, for example, tailored SEO services in Sydney where the provider will tailor their services to suit your objectives. You might be an online retailer with a shopping cart site, or perhaps a local provider of essential domestic services, but whatever your chosen business arena, your marketing must revolve around your online platforms.

Knowing the Search Engine

Google and other major search engines use complex algorithms to rank websites, and they are constantly changing the way they evaluate, and this requires the help of someone who has a deep understanding of exactly how a search engine works. It really is miraculous how you can type “plumbers in Sydney” into a search engine window, click search, and bingo! You have 341,683 results in 0.04 seconds! How on earth could this be? Well, Google sends out special files, called bots, and they crawl the Internet several times a month to collect data that is used when searching. If you would like some further reading on search engines and how they work, here is an informative piece of writing that clearly outlines the functions and methods used. There are SEO experts who are able to tweak a website to the point where it will always be prominent (with the relevant keywords), and with ongoing support, this high ranking can be maintained, and often improved on. The SEO industry is performance based, and the proof of the pudding is very much in the eating. A client company is able, at any time, to use the preferred keywords in a search, to see exactly where they stand, and any SEO provider with a good name in the industry would have an impressive client list.

Social Media Marketing

This has proved to be a major player, with a high percentage of online shoppers preferring to order products and services via Facebook and Twitter, so establishing a dynamic social media presence is essential. Your SEO partner would help you create a Facebook Page, and by regularly posting quality content regarding every aspect of your industry, you will gradually collect a healthy following. Then you can introduce special promotions and customer loyalty bonuses, which will boost sales even more. The ideal SEO company would have a wide range of powerful tools, and after assessing a client company and their website, a digital marketing plan would be put together, and from that moment on, your social media marketing is in expert hands, and with powerful analytical tools, the SEO expert can clearly see what areas are performing and which need some adjustment. For more information about social media marketing, here is an informative guide that outlines the basics.

Without partnering up with an SEO professional, it is likely you will be an also ran, as you will be competing against companies that are employing experts, and when you consider the implications of entering a platform you know little about, there really isn’t a choice. SEO is an essential component in every successful online business, and it is the only way to get ahead of the pack.



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