Is Fashion going too far? Fashion vs Unfashion
- Written by Cara Leupuscek, educational columnist and journalist

In today’s society we are blown away my mass media, exploitation & addiction. The Botox industry is a multi-million dollar industry in Australia.
Wherever we look we are visualising today’s society in colour, brands and illumination. It seems as though our younger generation are familiarising themselves with fashion at a younger level. The question of today’s fashion is comparably; where does fashion draw the line? And is it a social “fit in” dilemma for the youngsters? Is it based purely on confidence? Must we wear the latest and greatest brands to truly identify our status in today’s society?
Sydney is under construction of the new creation of worldwide trend-setting. Where fashion doesn’t just stop at clothing. Alteration and manipulation of body aesthetics has become a worldwide fashion trend where Instagram, facebook and other social media networks alone are a sharing community of all things visual. Creating more popularity for this new “aesthetic” trend.
And side of the scale? “unfashion” alone in Sydney has become a great over take in the fashion industry, drawing away a few million dollars a year for the big brands, as the “hipsters” rummage through thrift shops, st Vincent de paul and second hand markets.
“Thrifting” in Australia is a current trend which not only saves money, but individualises a person by not having the flashy brand on show. “It is a great way to save money and not having to rely on consumer pressure on today’s society, thus ensuring ones individual natural confidence blossom” states M Riley, regular thrifter of Newtown.
As humans the natural feeling of understanding of where the drawback of one’s natural individuality and security lies, without having to worry about what is on the outside, but instead on the reality of the true nature and purpose of clothes.