Spilling the tea on Yarra Valley Tea Co. latest functional blends

Viw Magazine was asked to try out two tea products from Yarra Valley Tea Co. latest offering: its functional blend of teas. We love supporting Australian food manufacturers and always fancy a nice drop of tea!
First impressions count and Yarra Valley Tea Co. has produced stunning packaging for its products. One of the best features is that consumers can actually see the tea temples through the clear plastic screens on the front of each packet. Moreover, all teas in the range are housed in biodegradable pyramid bags which are made on site in Victoria’s Yarra Valley.
The two blends gifted to Viw included the Digest It Organic Tummy Tea and the Think Straight Organic Smart Tea.
Carefully crafted by hand, the Digest It Organic Tummy Tea offered a delightful blend of chamomile, lemongrass and peppermint and can be drunk between or after meals to help calm and fresh the body. The Think Straight Organic Smart Tea is marketed as a beverage that can be consumed hot or cold, and contains lemongrass, lemon balm, lemon verbana and yerba mate to calm the nervous system and boost concentration and focus.
People should not underestimate the importance of organic products. Whether it is fruit, vegetables or beverages, everyone should consider buying organic and it is here Yarra Valley Tea Co. delivers. A tiny quantity of a pesticide or preservative can have a major effect on a human body. Why risk ingesting an industrial chemical if you do not have to. Yarra Valley Tea Co. have invested significant resources to ensure each blend is 100% natural and organic, and sourced from reputable Australian suppliers or grown on site.
Over a period of a month, our household used 30 tea bags. Each box has 15 biodegradable tea bags or "tea temples" as they are described.
We had one of each on alternate days. There is enough strength in each "tea temple" to produce two standard cup size beverages. No milk or sugar for us by the way. We wanted to experience the flavour and whatever taste or sensation effect that was on offer. We were not left down. Flavours were consistent, not so strong as to be over powering and we were left with the inexplicable feeling that comes with enjoying something special.
Anyone can buy a standard tea bag from a supermarket and make a “cuppa”; however, when something different is required for yourself or for guests, the tea products from Yarra Valley Tea Co. are ideal.
One of the enjoyable parts of drinking both blends of tea was exploring the range of flavours and tones within the brew. Just as is the case with fine wine, it is possible to pick out some of the individual flavours within each blend while experiencing the positive effects each offers the mind, body and soul.
With a very long shelf life of over two years, you can keep them on hand for special times or guests.
Yarra Valley Tea Co. products would be ideal for operators of Bed and Breakfast accommodation or holiday apartments to put out for guest use. The paying customers would appreciate a chance to try organic tea with memorable flavours. We bought some for ourselves to continue to enjoy after our trial packs were finished. Can't get a higher recommendation than that!
Find out more at Yarra Valley Tea Co.