Top ways for men to look after their skin
- Written by News Company

According to Jack Simmons, from Aboutmen, more and more men are taking pride in their appearance and spending more time on their skincare routine. Men are also spending more money on skincare products than ever before.
This incline in men introducing more thorough skincare routines can be tied to many factors, including products being more readily available on the shelves, men wanting to look fresher, with younger looking skin, and men caring more about their general health.
Keep on reading to find out what the top ways that you can look after your skin and why you need to.
Men and health
As of June 2017, there were 12.2 million males living in Australia, which equates to 49.6% of the total population. Studies have shown that the overall health of males living in Australia is good, with nearly 3 out of 5 males rating their health as good or excellent.
However, in 2014-2015 7 in 10 adult males in Australia were overweight or obese. A similar survey also revealed that 16.9% of men aged 18 or over and 3.9% of boys aged 15-17 years smoked daily. Obesity and smoking are two main preventable causes of poor health and death in Australia.
Obesity and smoking can both lead to poor overall health. Smoking in particular can cause your skin to age quicker than it should. Physical health and mental health can all play a big part in your skin and its appearance, which is why you need to look after yourself.
Top tips on how to look after your skin
There are many ways in which you can look after your skin, and not all of them require a lot of time or effort.
You might want to follow a daily skincare routine that takes 10 minutes every morning. Or if you don’t have time to do that, you could simply care for your skin by wearing sunscreen.
Drink plenty of water
One way to look after your skin, is by ensuring you drink plenty of water everyday. This will help your skin get rid of toxins and will also give your face a more radiant glow. The recommended amount of water to drink is 8 glasses a day.
Eat a healthy diet
Eating a healthy diet is also a way you can look after your skin without having to spend hours on it. There are a variety of nutrients that you can get from fresh fruit and vegetables that can help your skin. For example, Vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, and protein are all needed in order to keep your skin healthy.
Wear sunscreen
Another effortless way you can keep your skin healthy is by protecting it from harmful UV rays, Sunscreen can help to keep your skin protected and in doing so, it helps it look younger and feel springier.
Skincare routine
If you want to spend some time on your skincare then you need to develop a routine that you can easily stick to and one that you feel comfortable with. This might be something as simple as washing your face every day and moisturising it. Or you might want to look into cosmetic and anti-aging treatments, such as facials or laser treatments. Consider getting advice on skin care from Anti-wrinkle injections Melbourne.
Remember to look after your skin. And if you don’t have much time to spare, there are simple ways to keep your skin healthy. Find out whatever works best for you and your skin by trying out some of our top tips.