How to Pick the Best General Practitioner (GP)
- Written by Sudarsan Chakraborty

When it comes to health, you can’t afford to gamble with the choices concerning it. It includes choosing a GP and it would be correct to say that this will be someone that will have your life in their hands. The GP you will choose will determine whether you will live a healthy life, or you will end up having health issues in the long run.
Everyone wants a healthy and happy life: and if possible to live forever. It all starts by choosing the right GP. How do you know that you are working with a reliable GP? Well, these are essential factors you need to consider when picking one.
If you look up online for GP jobs in Perth, you will notice that the different establishments will be requesting for specific credentials and qualifications from candidates. You also need to do the same while seeking a practitioner to take care of your needs. You need to know that the practitioner has gone through the necessary training and professional development.
You need to affirm that for sure the GP has the qualifications he/she mentions and they know he/she knows the job. There is one more accreditation that you need to have a look at; certification for meeting quality standards.
Type of practice
It is vital for you to note that you will get different types of service from GPs with varying kinds of practice. For instance, GPs from large medical centres might be more flexible as their working hours are longer. More so, you can benefit from other services like pharmacy and pathology. For cottage-style practices, you might have limitations to time as they usually have shorter working hours.
It is essential to know how they practice. From there you will be in a better position to make a pick that suits your schedule.
The location of the GP will be significant to consider. It will all depend on how frequent your visits will be and where you will be visiting from. If you are visiting during the workdays, a GP closer to your workplace should be okay. However,, the closer the better: you might sometimes need the GP’s services urgently.
Home visits
It might seem quite obvious that the practitioner can come to your home, but it is not. If your medical condition warrants home visits, it is crucial for you to find a practitioner that over home visits around the clock.
There are other things that you need to put into consideration. It can, however, mostly be possible during your visit. You need a GP that has excellent communication skills. Are they a good listener? If yes, that should be a good sign. Remember that the doctor needs to fully understand your condition for them to be able to help you. You should also put time into consideration. You shouldn’t be kept too long in the waiting room, and the GP should not also always be in a hurry. With the points in mind, nothing should stop you from getting the best practitioner in town!