How Smoking Can Affect Your Lifestyle
- Written by News Company

While you will more than likely understand that smoking cigarettes isn’t good for your health, giving up tobacco might feel easier said than done. As you will know, smoking is a leading cause of cancer, COPD, heart disease, and a stroke, to name only a few. In addition to affecting your general health, it can also damage your everyday life.
If you need a little push to say goodbye to the bad habit for good, you should find out how smoking can affect your lifestyle.
Dulled Senses
Smoking will dull your senses over time, as it can impact your smell and taste. Consequently, a smoker will be unable to appreciate the flavours of many foods in comparison to non-smokers. So, if you want to experience a burst of flavour on your tongue each time you enjoy a dish, it is time to quit smoking once and for all.
Premature Aging
If you don’t want to develop deep wrinkles and leathery skin as you grow older, you should stop smoking before it is too late, as it could lead to premature aging. That’s because smoking can prevent oxygen from reaching the body’s skin tissue and can constrict the blood vessels, which can boost the ageing process.
The Smell of Smoke
If you’re a smoker, it’s likely that the smell will linger on your clothing, hair, and breath, which can be off-putting to others. It might make you feel self-conscious when talking to people because even gum and fragrances will not be enough to mask the overpowering smell.
There are, thankfully, various quit smoking aids available from Chemist Direct, a reputable online chemist Australia has, which can help you to give up the bad habit for good. For example, you could purchase nicotine patches, chewing gum, inhalators, and lozenges.
A Greater Risk of Infection
While you might have a thorough understanding of the long-term health risks of smoking, you might be unaware that it could make you vulnerable to temporary illnesses, such as common colds and seasonal flu. This is because smokers are more likely to struggle with bacterial and viral infections.
You’ll have a greater risk of seasonal viruses as smoking can paralyse the cilia, which lines the respiratory tract to protect people from infection. However, if you quit smoking, you can restore the cilia’s mobility within one month, which can help your body to avoid an infection.
Diminished Energy Levels
Long-term smoking could eventually make it difficult to exercise or even climb a set of stairs without gasping for breath. Smoking will force both your heart and lungs to work harder, which can lead to diminished energy levels and a poor sporting performance. So, if you want to enhance your physical activity levels and reach your fitness potential, you should take the steps to quit smoking as soon as possible.
If you’re unsure how to give up smoking for good, speak to your doctor for advice, as they could recommend quitting smoking aids and reducing your intake over time.