Nutrients that will optimize your eye health
- Written by News Company

These days our lives have become very busy, especially with all the influx of information. It is quite ironic that when it comes to the conventional stuff, we have access to all the local wisdom such as antibiotics can help fight off allergies etc. But we never give our vision much thought until it is too late and something has gone wrong. We do not take actions until something is broken, or the warning signals start to kick in. If we take into consideration the eye world that would be blurry visions, cataracts, dry eyes or even headaches and macular degeneration, just to name a few.
Another important thing to note is that health insurance policies do not usually cover eye health, so if your suffering from weak eyesight getting some health fund glasses can be a good way to start the recovery process. There are quite a few Health fund glasses #19 in Australia that offer these services. Nevertheless, most of the symptoms can be kept at bay with one particular step. Watch what you eat…
As mentioned previously, one simple and effective step that you can take in protecting your eyesight is by taking vigilant steps surrounding your diet. As you keep getting older, your eyesight starts to degrade just like every other part of your body. This can be contributed to a wide variety of factors such as excessive exposure to the sun, poor diet, infections or even issues related to stress. Addition of some antioxidants in your diet routine such as vitamin A, C and E, lutein, beta carotene and omega-3 fatty acids can protect you against the elements that can cause harm to your eyesight and can even boost your overall health.
A research article published in 2001 concluded that certain nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, copper and beta carotene could reduce the rate of eye health degradation by an astonishing 25 percent.
So, without any further ado, let us take a look at some nutrient-rich foods that boost your health.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Leafy green vegetables such as collard, spinach, and cabbage etc. are loaded with nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients play a crucial role in keeping macular degeneration and cataracts at bay. Other greens such as avocados and peas are also a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is essential in maintaining good eye health. The reason for this being is the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that greatly reduce the risk of age-related eye issues. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is 75 mg per day for adult women and 90 mg for men. You can maximize your vitamin C intake by taking certain veggies and fruits such as lemons and oranges that contain this vitamin in abundance.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is also a powerful source of antioxidant that is essential in maintaining eye health. It is based on some fat-soluble antioxidants known as tocopherols. Eggs are also an excellent source of vitamin E and can greatly reduce the risk of age-related to eyesight issues. The recommended daily allowance for vitamin E is 15 mg per day for both men and women. Nuts such as almonds, peanuts and sunflower seeds are a good source of vitamin, and you should try incorporating these into your daily routine. It also helps you to improve your eye sight.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
These types of fats reduce inflammation and improve blood vessels health. Just like vitamin C, omega fatty acids also combat age-related eyesight diseases and macular degeneration. Low levels of omega fatty acids can lead to dry eyes. There is no specific recommended daily allowance for DHA, but it is usually recommended in values depending on your previous history of cardiac issues. Those who have suffered from a heart attack are not recommended to take fatty acids. However, if you are not prone to such issues, it is safe to consume fish oil or other sources of fatty acids two times per week. Fishes such as sardines, salmons are a great source of fatty acids. They can help in preventing dry eyes, macular degeneration and cataracts. So that you have a better eye sight.
Carotenes are the yellow, orange and red pigmentation found in some colored vegetables and fruits. These beta carotenes can be converted into vitamin A by your body. This nutrient is very beneficial in reducing age-related eyesight issues such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Carrots, spinach, pumpkin and sweet potatoes are an abundant source of beta-carotene. Just a half cup of sweet potatoes can net you over 15 grams of beta carotene. It also greatly reduces the risk of several chronic related issues. There is no specific recommended allowance for this nutrient, but an intake of at least 3 to 6 milligrams is advised. However, they are quite helpful for one to improve their eye sight.
Zinc is another important nutrient that you need to maintain healthy eyesight. It also assists the enzymes in your body in performing their respective functions. Zinc serves the purpose of an antioxidant and is highly beneficial to your immunity system as well. Meat is the primary source of zinc and studies have proven that veggie consumers have less zinc in their body as compared to meat ones. A lot of health issues such as eyesight issues, immunity problems and skin disorders can be associated with zinc deficiency. Chicken, turkey and beef are an important source of this nutrient. Some vegetarian sources include beans, legumes chickpeas and peanuts etc. Other important sources include yoghurt, milk, corn flakes and almonds.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D can also be an essential nutrient for boosting eye health. There is also proof that vitamin D can help to decrease the risk of age-related vision issues such as macular degeneration. Sources such as cod liver oil and fishes contain decent amounts of vitamin D along with various other beneficial nutrients. Sunlight is also a source of vitamin D but avoids getting sunburned as it increases the risk of skin cancer. Vitamin D supplements can also be taken if you live in areas where sunlight is not easily accessible, e.g. away from the equator and closer to the poles.
To preserve good eyesight. It is highly suggested to eat a varied diet. Fruits, vegetables and proteins are more than enough to ensure good eye health if taken according to the recommended daily allowance. Visit a doctor or an eye specialist if you are having trouble getting these nutrients. If you are suffering from certain health issues, always refer to a doctor before consuming the nutrients mentioned above.