What You Need To Know About Priligy
- Written by News Company

Priligy is known to contain dapoxetine. Dapoxetine is an ingredient that is considered to be an SSRI or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. These are prescribed as antidepressants. Through time, specialists find out that dapoxetine helps in treating sexual dysfunction, specifically premature ejaculation or PE.
PE struggles are more prevalent than you think, especially to men ageing between 18 to 30 years old. Those who experience PE, tend to lose control of how soon he will ejaculate or have an orgasm during intercourse. Men who gravely suffer from this are likely to experience anxiety and depression caused by dissatisfaction and interrelationship conflicts.
This is where Priligy comes in. This medication is developed solely as a treatment for premature ejaculation. Taking Priligy can triple the time it takes before achieving an orgasm, thus resulting in a more satisfying sexual intercourse.
Recommended dosage
Priligy comes in the form of a tablet of 30mg and 60mg. Medical providers generally recommend 30mg as a starting treatment. Priligy should be taken one to two hours before sex and should be taken with a tall glass of water. Just like any other medications that treat PE, and also Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Priligy should only be taken once in a span of 24 hours. Daily use of this treatment is also restricted. Remember not to consume Priligy without your physician's prescription.
Side effects
Most men who take Priligy do not experience any type of side effects. However, there are minimal reported cases that showed signs of complications due to the drug. Side effects vary depending on the person who is taking it. Mild effects are dizziness and headaches. Potential side effects are the reason why it is important to strictly follow the doctor's prescription and read the leaflet that comes along the medication.
There are a lot of drugs and medications that shouldn't be taken at the same time with Priligy as they have interactions. Erectile dysfunction medications like sildenafil, avanafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil can elevate the side effects when consumed with Priligy. It should not also be taken at the same time as other SSRIs. Some drugs are not allowed to even overlap with Priligy. Even though it's no longer causing effects, chemicals from the drug still retain in your system. You should wait for at least seven days before taking medications like tramadol, tryptophan, and rasagiline.
Due to the lack of supporting studies, males under the age of 18 are not allowed to take Priligy. Drinking alcohol with this drug is also not allowed as it can worsen the dizziness and nausea. Do not forget to ask your doctor beforehand if you are suitable for Priligy. Only he or she can say if you can take it or not. Caution is important to avoid the worst problems.
If you are a man and currently experiencing this type of dysfunction, then you should click here if you want to fix your premature ejaculation. You might not see it as essential, but it will definitely improve your performance which in turn affects your confidence in bed.