Happy House - 6 Tips For Making Your Home a More Comfortable Living Environment
- Written by News Feature Team

When you return home from a hard days work, do you find your living environment is practical but lacking warmth? If so, this article is for you. As we believe being comfortable in your own home is important, and just as important is that your home feels inviting for your guests. Don’t worry though, as there are some simple and cost effective ways of making your home more comfortable without breaking the bank. Below are 6 tips for making your home a comfortable living space for all.
Remove unnecessary items and declutter your home.
Overcrowding a space, not matter how large, can make the room feel claustrophobic, stressful and prevent people relaxing. The reason for this is there are too many conflicting items fighting for their attention preventing them from switching off. Reducing the unnecessary items on display will help simplify a space.
The next step is to create a clear focal point. This can be achieved simple by picture framing your favourite photo or piece of art and positioning it in key areas within your rooms. It will instantly make a room feel calmer and more comfortable.
Don’t let your TV prevent socialisation
The home and the activities we performed in each room has evolved overtime. Previously, living rooms were for more formal entertaining and separate tv rooms were for lounging. However, the development of these spaces continues with televisions now being seen to be a hindrance to social interactions. Because of this, more people are choosing to conceal them in their rooms or to remove them all together when possible. Check out some living spaces which have followed this trend.
Keep it organised
Although one of the first steps is to declutter, another important tip is to make sure everything has its own place. Organisational items, such as decorative boxes or baskets, help keep order in your home, whilst also hiding those undesirable but functional items. Hidden storage is also a must for items you may only use intermittently.
Mood boosting plants
Greenery in the home is a great way to improve well-being. Plants have been seen to boost our moods as well as filter the air in our homes for improved health. By including plants in your home decor, you can achieve better health as well as increased comfort. Although a plants upkeep is higher than that of a lamp, they can add just as much brightness to your home.
Add texture to your furnishing
Hard surfaces or angular furniture can sometimes feel cold or hard. Therefore, an easy way to make a room feel more comfortable is to add some softer furnishings or textures to the mix. Blankets, throws and pillows are a couple of decorative items which don’t necessarily need to cost a lot, but will instantly make a living space feel warmer and more tactile. Another thoughtful idea is to keep blankets and pillows available for guests for that extra welcoming touch.
Layer your lighting
A great deal of people forget how important lighting is to a room, both natural light and artificial. For instance layering the window furnishings to maximise the natural light will brighten up any room. Window drapes for instance will remove the harsh light in the middle of a summers day as well as add texture and colour to a room.
Teaming natural light options with the flexibility of artificial light will give you and your guests greater choice. Overhead dimmable lights and adjustable lamps will prevent a room feeling too harsh and be adjustable to personal taste and the mood.
Please note, these living environment tips can be carried out in any order and have been designed to be staggered across a number of weeks to allow you to really focus on each room and what’s required so that you get the desired outcome you deserve.