How to Slash Your Power Costs
- Written by Samantha Ball

Struggling with your power bill? Electricity can be one of the most costly amenities of any household, especially for those with multiple members home on a regular basis. For those working at home or spending more time at home overall due to COVID, it can be difficult to manage your power consumption without making a few changes.
Rising Costs Are Causing Financial Strain
Power costs are rising, causing a stressful financial strain on households across Australia. This is due to an increase in consumption, economic instability, and people's lack of awareness about how they use power. By learning about how you both consume and waste energy at home, you'll have a much easier time adapting and slashing your power costs.
Change the Way You Use Appliances
Your appliances could be costing you an unreasonable amount of money, even when they're not in use. This ranges from large appliances such as a washer and dryer to smaller ones like a printer and WiFi router.
To get the most out of your washer, only use cold water and always wait until it's completely full before turning it on. Doing so will save you the costs of heating the water and will keep from using your washer too frequently for small loads. The same rules apply to your dishwasher. Only use cold water and be sure to wait until it's at full capacity.
As for smaller appliances, try to get in the habit of unplugging them before you go to bed or leave the house. It's an easy way to slash your power costs, especially when you get everyone in the household involved. Ensure that your fellow residents are aware of which devices are using power, even when not in use.
Control Temperature Naturally
Many people end up with astronomical power bills because they're using too much energy while trying to control the temperature inside their home. You should always try to control the temperature using straightforward efforts first. This includes ensuring your windows are sealed shut in the winter and closing your blinds in the summer to block the glaring sun.
Another way of maintaining your home's temperature, without having to meticulously alter heaters and air conditioners, is to have your roof insulated. If a roof isn't properly insulated, it can let out much of the heat or cold air that you've just spent energy (and money) creating.
Change Out Your Lightbulbs
One of the most affordable ways of slashing your power costs is to swap out your lightbulbs. Though small in size, lightbulbs can make a massive difference to your power bill at the end of the month.
To reduce the amount of energy they consume, replace your older incandescent or halogen bulbs with a more energy-efficient alternative. You should have no trouble finding something greener at your local hardware store or home improvement shop!
Call an Electrician
Need assistance in implementing these changes? Think your home may require a more radical change to get your power costs down? It's never a bad idea to call a professional, licenced electrician Perth for help, whether you need your home inspected, a new water heater, or anything else power-related.