Robotic Cleaners 101: How to Choose the Best Swimming Pool Cleaner
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If you need to keep your pool sparkling throughout the different seasons, you need to invest in a gadget that can efficiently remove dirt from water. A great gadget will save you time, money and labour. Moreover, it will reduce your chemical usage and prevent you from wasting a lot of water. There are so many amazing products and gadgets in the market currently, and finding the best one can be challenging.
Things to consider while choosing the best swimming pool cleaner include;
The size of the floor and walls
Different gadgets have been designed to remove dirt from different sizes of floors and walls. Moreover, they require different electrical supplies. Therefore, the bigger the surface area that the water occupies, the more the electricity that is required to decontaminate it.
The amount of dirt and debris that accumulates in the water is also a factor that should be considered when looking for the most effective gadget. If a lot of leaves accumulate on the water, then you may require a simpler and smaller gadget to remove them. On the other hand, If the water collects a lot of sand, you can use a smaller automatic suction device to remove it. The larger the debris collected, the more powerful the suction system you need to get the job done.
The floor material
The surface can be rocky, flat, sloppy or irregular. The floor material can be vinyl, fibreglass, granite, tiles or plaster. You should choose the right device because not all can properly work with all types of floors. In fact, some gadgets can actually ruin some floors.
Every device needs to be properly maintained. When shopping for a suction device, you should gather all information about it, including what you need to do to make it run for a long time.
Types of gadgets that can remove dirt from water include suction side, pressure side, robotic and solar powered devices. Suction side gadgets require a hose and rely on the water’s filtration system, pressure side devices remove dirt by using turbulence, robots use microchips and motors while solar powered devices skim debris from the surface.
You will obviously have to choose something within your budget. The prices vary and you should research and know the available devices that are within your price range which can get the job done.
There are so many devices out there that you will be spoilt for choice. If you want the most effective device for purifying the water, you should choose one based on the shape, style and floor of the water basin. Moreover, you should choose one that is within your price range, is easy to maintain and properly cleans the walls and floors.