Viw Magazine

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As a renovator, you're probably no stranger to the weird and wonderful surprises that can come with older houses. But when it comes to plumbing, some discoveries can be downright shocking. So, if you've noticed your toilet making strange noises when draining, it's time to investigate what might be lurking in your pipes. 

Here are five of the most ridiculous items found in drain pipes, thanks to camera drainage inspection services.

1. Jewellery

It's not uncommon for small items to accidentally end up in the drain, but jewellery is certainly an unusual – and valuable - find. In most cases, homeowners are relieved when a CCTV drainage camera uncovers their precious rings, necklaces or bracelets that have been accidentally flushed down the toilet. So how did they get there? Maybe they slipped off while the owner was washing their hands or cleaning the bathroom, or perhaps they were thrown down the drain in the heat of the moment.

2. Toys

Children are notorious for flushing strange objects down the toilet, and countless toys have been discovered lodged in pipes during camera drainage inspections. From action figures to stuffed animals, nothing seems safe from curious little hands. It's safe to say the children in question probably learned a valuable lesson about where not to play with their toys.

3. Mobile Phones 

We've all heard stories of people accidentally dropping their phones in the toilet, but in some cases, they are even flushed! Plumbers often discover mobile phones lodged in pipes during routine inspections. It's unclear whether the phones were flushed on purpose or by accident, but either way, it's a good reminder to keep your electronics far away from the bathroom.

4. Random Personal Items

You might be surprised at the variety of personal items found in drain pipes. From dentures and eyeglasses to underwear and hairbrushes, it seems that nothing is off-limits when it comes to accidental flushing. While it's often a mystery how these items ended up in the pipes, their discovery during camera drainage inspections can be equally amusing and baffling.

5. Food Waste

While it's not unusual for small amounts of food to end up in the sink or toilet, some people take this to the extreme by flushing large quantities of food waste down the drain. This can lead to significant blockages and even damage to your plumbing system. CCTV has uncovered everything from fruit peels to entire meals lodged in toilet pipes, serving as a stark reminder to dispose of food waste responsibly.

If you're experiencing odd noises or slow-draining toilets, don't hesitate to contact a professional plumber for a camera drainage inspection. You never know what you might find!


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