Viw Magazine

Business Coach


In a world where quality sleep is paramount, the longevity of your mattress plays a crucial role. Here's a guide on how to extend the lifespan of your mattress, ensuring it provides optimal comfort and support for years to come. 

Invest in Quality

Begin with a high-quality mattress, as its construction and materials significantly impact its durability.

Opt for a mattress that suits your sleep preferences and body type. 

Rotate Regularly

Rotate your mattress every 3-6 months to distribute wear evenly.

This prevents the formation of permanent indentations and ensures consistent support. 

Use a Mattress Protector

Shield your mattress from spills, stains, and allergens with a waterproof and breathable mattress protector.

Wash the protector regularly to maintain a clean sleeping environment. 

Mind the Foundation

Provide proper support with a sturdy bed frame or foundation.

Ensure that the mattress is well-supported to prevent sagging and maintain its structural integrity. 

Keep It Clean

Vacuum your mattress regularly to remove dust and debris.

Follow the manufacturer's cleaning guidelines for stains or spills. 

Air It Out

Allow your mattress to breathe by removing the bed linens regularly.

Air out the mattress in a well-ventilated room to prevent odours and moisture buildup. 

Avoid Jumping

Discourage children from jumping on the bed, as it can lead to premature wear and tear.

Use the mattress for its intended purpose – a comfortable space for rest. 

Manage Temperature

Maintain a comfortable room temperature to prevent the mattress from deteriorating due to extreme conditions.

Avoid exposing the mattress to direct sunlight, as it can cause materials to break down. 

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your mattress. Investing in proper care ensures that your mattress continues to provide the sleep quality you deserve for years to come.


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