Viw Magazine

Frugalista Hacks For Turning Your Garage Into A Cosy Bedroom

  • Written by Renee Wainwright

Have you ever thought about converting the garage you never use into a spare bedroom? It's the easiest and most affordable way to add an extra room to your home without any major construction or costly extensions. Starting the conversion might seem daunting but with our step by step guide, you'll feel reassured and ready to take on the project.

Consider Your Budget

Before embarking on a home improvement project, it's always good to have a budget or plan in mind so you know how much you intend to spend. Just think you don't need to buy everything in one go, most homes are added to and created over many years.

Clear and Clean

The first step when converting your garage would be to get rid of any bits and bobs that you may have stored in there. If there are valuable items you don’t want to dispose of then consider a mobile storage unit.

Go through your things and once you've cleared the space it's time to grab the mop and detergents. Imagine the layers of dust that have been building up in your garage over time, it should be clean and spotless before you start redecorating!

Get Started With The Conversion

Assess whether you need to insulate the space. There are options such as plasterboard that are affordable and easy to implement in your garage. You should also address whether the room will need air conditioning or a heater depending on your location.

At this point, you should think about what kind of flooring you prefer for your bedroom. Maybe a slick wood effect or a plush carpet is to your taste.

You might already have lighting in your garage but is this the lighting you want for your bedroom? You may want to switch out the singular lightbulb for spotlights or even multiple hanging lights.

Consider Adding Windows

Garages can be dark and dingy but the good news is that it's possible to install a window in your garage. The cost can vary, but it will immediately brighten up the room with natural light streaming in, plus it will provide fresh air.

Create a Mood Board

Pinterest is a great place to start researching and collecting images of different styles and interior design ideas. When converting your garage, it's an opportunity to create a specially designed room in your home, so it's worth putting in some extra time to design an inspiring bedroom.

Whether you create a virtual mood board or a physical one, it's a good way to get your creative juices flowing. Decide on a colour scheme and a theme. Maybe you want to continue the theme on from the rest of your home or maybe you want to create a new sanctuary.

Select Furniture For The Room

Buying furniture can be daunting but start by measuring out your space and then deciding what key pieces you need. Consider smart storage solutions such as a bed with built-in draws or a hanging shoe rack to save floor space.

Shop Vintage For Unique Finds

There are so many diverse and interesting pieces you can find no matter your budget. The key to a cosy bedroom is giving it personality, so why not look at some second hand or vintage pieces of furniture. Vintage mirrors, cupboards and headboards can give your room that added charm, as well as a unique, individual feel. If you're feeling creative then you could look at some DIY options.

-Apple crates are perfect for creating storage solutions from a bookshelf to shoe containers.

-Vintage wooden ladders make for great hanging racks for clothes and towels as well as shelves for your photos.

-Reuse parts of old furniture to create a new desk that will fit your space and add a rustic feel.

One of the most exciting parts of decorating your room is sourcing pre-loved pieces. You can have a look online or head to some local markets for a treasure hunt.

Add Personal Touches

When converting your bedroom, you want to be able to walk into it and forget that it was ever a garage. To do this you will want to add special, personal touches.

-One of the easiest ways to create a cosy feel is by adding an array of plants. They will give the room a fresh and modern feel.

-Add photos and wall art. Sourcing art doesn't have to be expensive, you can even print off your favourite images or buy from local artists.

-In case you need extra light, adding a few lamps will elevate the mood. Candles are also a great source of light and they create a warm ambience.

-If you want to add extra light at a low cost then fairy lights with rechargeable batteries are an inexpensive option.

No matter how big or small your garage space is, there are endless opportunities to create a cosy bedroom. Not only is it a great way to add another useable room to your home, but often it can also add value to your property.

Renee Wainwright is the gobox Mobile Storage Manager whose years of experience in the industry allow her to provide customised and tailored mobile storage solutions to suit residential, business and corporate customer’s storage and moving needs.



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