Key tips to keep your energy up throughout the day
- Written by Cara Barilla , Educational Columnist and Journalist

In this day and age where we are constantly needing the additional energy to keep up with our high demanded lives we are sometimes at loss of where to source these answers. As different individuals gain liveliness by several different aspects here are some key tips to gain extra balance for the day. It’s ideal to create the energy at an utmost healthy and natural range, although some factors these days are limited to anything natural. If you are suffering from heavy fatigue its best to speak to your general practitioner, nutritionist or health professional for additional assistance and expert advice.
Eat a healthy breakfast: A revitalizing breakfast can benefit your body maintain energy throughout the day. Starting off with bananas, muesli, eggs and freshly squeezed veggie or fruit juice aid in natural sugars, additional energy, protein and fiber.
Drink water: water is the fundamental beginning of healthy body production and lacking water each day can lead to many severe long problems. We need water for energy, blood circulation, the removal of negative energy, bad toxins and healing from viruses and germs inflowing our body. By drinking 8 glasses of water each day you are not only recharging and refueling your body for a long day, but you are also preventing illness by providing your body water for a quick recovery.
Move: Keeping energetic throughout the day benefits energy production and stimulates endorphins that support mobility. Moving each day not only recharges you but it helps retain elasticity, energetic growth, muscle tone and generates a complete healthy wellbeing.
Balance food: ensuring you maintain levels and portion of food intake is vital for the support of a healthy energetic lifestyle. Too much food can weigh you down and too little can leave you feeling fatigued. Make sure you keep a nice balanced routine of healthy foods, freshly squeezed fruits and veggies and protein.
Snack smart throughout the day: Keep healthy snacks in your cupboard such as almonds, bananas, avocado, rice paper wraps, grapes and veggie sticks to ensure that your cravings are being controlled responsibly. Irresponsible eating can lead to disease, obesity, cancer and premature aging.