Viw Magazine

Nature does much more for human life than to provide just a beautiful scenic view. It has numerous benefits for the overall environment. The system made by mother nature is very balanced. Everything that is a part of the natural environment has a few or more significant roles to play and keeps the system stable and functioning.

Nature has its ways of making the system work. The sun rises every day while the rain showers provide the earth with water; each feature of the natural world is significant and vital. Likewise, trees, plants, and all the greenery have some substantial role to play in the system as well.

The natural environment must be taken care of to sustain it in the long-run. Every person should take it upon themselves to plant trees and maintain them daily. It is essential and a responsibility every individual should shoulder. You can also take the help of tree surgeon Northern Gold Coast to support and sustain the trees around your neighborhood.

Following are some reason that helps you identify why greenery is so vital for the environment:

§ Absorbing Carbon Dioxide from The Environment:

The harmful ways of living adopted by humans today have led to an abundant amount of carbon dioxide being produced in the system. This is the reason why Global Warming is an international predicament today. There is a constant rise in the overall temperature of the earth. The gradual climatic changes have severe and damaging effects on the ecosystem. This is why organizations and authorities have raised the alarm on the environmental situation.

Greenery and trees are one of the most significant ways to prevent Global Warming. The constant chopping down of trees and leaving no space for greenery is also why planet earth is suffering from a deteriorating environment. Trees help absorb carbon dioxide and, by the process of photosynthesis, produce oxygen for the atmosphere. It is a fantastic way to lower down harmful carbon dioxide levels in the environment. The enhanced oxygen levels in the atmosphere also improve air quality, which is essential for better health.

§ Trees Prevent Soil Erosion:

Soil erosion happens when rainwater, heavy winds, and other natural forces wear out the top fertile layer of soil. It can be very damaging to the entire ecosystem. When raindrops fall from the clouds, they gather momentum and speed. The force with which they fall on the soil, can erode and wash it away. It can result in the lands losing fertile soil, which is essential for growing vegetation and plants. Farmlands may be significantly affected due to the loss of nutrient-rich topsoil.

Plants help by absorbing some of the water in the soil, which makes it hard to destroy. Moreover, the deep and strong roots of the plants and trees hold onto the ground and aid in preventing it from washing away. Heavy winds can also break down soil and blow the topsoil away. Trees also avoid this by breaking down the heavy wind breezes through their thick canopies. Therefore, trees are crucial for vegetation and farming.

§ Trees Help Prevent Water Pollution:

One of the benefits of trees and plants is aiding in purifying stormwater before it enters rivers and streams. Trees have large thick canopies made of leaves and wood. When raindrops fall over these canopies, they break down and get absorbed into the soil. Due to the trees, polluted rainwater does not flow directly into the ocean. Stormwater has many harmful pollutants, such as phosphorus and nitrogen. Trees act as a filter between the rain and the rivers, sucking in all the harmful contaminants.

§ Trees Help in Lowering temperature:

Studies have shown that trees are known to reduce the temperatures during the scorching summer heat. Thick and tall trees provide shade to the sidewalks and roads. This shade helps during sweltering temperatures. High temperatures can be detrimental, especially for the children and the elderly. However, planting several trees in the locality can help fight the summer heatwave.

§ Trees Provide Clean Fresh Air:

It is the natural system of the earth that the trees are responsible for breathing in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. This is possible because of photosynthesis, a process plants use to make food for themselves. The trees take in sunlight and carbon dioxide and, as a by-product of photosynthesis, give out oxygen to the environment.

The human body survives on oxygen. It is our primary source of living. Without the air we breathe, we might die in a matter of minutes. Trees help provide the most critical source of our life. They give us fresh oxygen, which means healthier, unpolluted air.

§ Trees Help save Energy:

Trees provide shade and, as a consequence of that, help in reducing temperatures. Planting trees around your house can help you reduce the overall temperature inside and outside your home. During the extreme summer heat, you might need to use air-conditioning to make the environment bearable. However, the trees around your house can help you in cutting down some of those air-conditioning bills. The shade provided by the trees can also naturally lower down the temperatures inside your home.

§ Green Is Good for The Mind, Body, and Soul:

It is true when wise people say that nature has healing powers. Staying close to nature during distressing periods is known to reduce anxiety and depression massively. It helps calm the nerves and soothe your racing, anxious minds.

Today's world has become extremely fast-paced. We do not have enough time to take care of our emotional and mental well-being. In the thirst for getting better and better, we have forgotten to pause and heal our inner souls. Nature precisely does that. It pulls you out from all of the havoc of life and relaxes your mind. Having more greenery in the environment, such as our neighborhoods, backyards, etc. can help give us easy access to stroll around and interact with mother nature.


Green is an essential part of nature. It has various roles and provides innumerable benefits. Without trees and plants, human life can suffer massive harm and damage. The business world and its rapid advancements have led the environment to suffer through activities of cutting down forests and trees. It is high time we preserve our planet and maintain the trees and plants for a better, healthier, and greener future.


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