How to make your employees love your office
- Written by News Company

When you’re running a business, it no surprise that most of the time you aim to be as profitable as possible while also raising the bar in terms of employee performance. To do so, you must keep your employees happy by all means. If you’re satisfied with the work of what you’re employees are putting up and if you’re willing for them to stay committed to their work no matter what, you must consider making a few adjustments to create a working environment that is healthy and also productive for all and introduce some complementary stuff like espresso machine in office premises.
Your employees cannot be treated like machines, their desires, aspirations and well being must be considered while they work. This may seem like an investment, but it will only pay back eventually. You must develop a strong bond between you and your employees, so they remain dedicated and loyal to their workplace. You must cater to your employee’s needs and understand how you can facilitate them in every way; after all, they are working for the success of your business. From encouraging openness and making the employees realize they have a say in everything, your employees will only strive and work harder to be the best. Here are some ways you can work on to make your employees love your office:
Creating a healthy work environment
To create a healthy working environment, you must develop and encourage a healthy understanding between you and your employees. Don’t overburden them with the workload, instead set realistic goals for them to achieve. Designate tasks to them based on their capability and potential, if the done is done rightly so, don’t forget to shower them with appreciation which also gives them an incentive to put up their best work always and never disappoint you. In case they’re not able to reach the mark, give them constructive criticism without harming their self-esteem, consider their problems and advise them with how they can do a better job next time.
Arrange frequent meetings and allow all of your employees to freely advise on how you could better your company’s performance. You never know when you might come up with a new strategy thanks to brainstorming together. Encourage your employees to be unique in terms of their work, make them understand how following somebody else’s footsteps won’t get you anywhere as following your instinct will. Celebrate your employee’s achievements, treating your employees, for instance, over who gets employee of the month, or if their business proposal gets approved.
Work on the communication gap between your employees as this is one of the most common, unresolved issues in most cases. By the time employees can deliver their concerns or message to the higher authorities or the relevant person in time, it might just be too late, so you must find an easy way out of this and cooperate. All these factors add up to an employee’s self-satisfaction and would keep them loyal and committed to your company no matter what.
Non-monetary benefits
It’s not always necessary that you can win your employees over with a handsome package or salary; skilled employees especially don’t just consider the amount they are being paid but rather the benefits that come along with it. You may be surprised to know that many employees, who often find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to choosing a job, prefer the one with more non-monetary benefits, even though the salary must be less relatively.
This is because employees believe working in an office-friendly environment with some degree of leniency is preferred than working in strict, harsh working conditions that pay better. Unless you don’t have some kind of non-monetary benefits, there’s a high chance your employees might tend to get fed up eventually and sooner or later they will realize that it’s not worth the money.
Therefore, regardless of what you’re paying them, you must consider giving them some other sort of incentive for them to stay committed to their job always. Non-monetary benefits include foreign business trips, free healthcare facilities, tuition assistance, club membership discounts, flexible office hours, easily accessible leaves granted when necessary. Cooperating with your employees at all times is essential for your business and your employee’s performance to grow.
Relaxing office interior
It’s important that while you’re working, you’re not easily bored of what you do if that’s what’s happening to your employees instead of questioning their routines you might want to consider looking at other factors. Your office interior, for instance, you must keep in mind that a healthy working environment also means creating an office-friendly station. To ensure your employees remain active and productive throughout their time working you must keep your office always organized, cluttered, messy office just gives off a lazy vibe and discourages your employees from staying fresh and active.
Your office can be small but ensure it’s comfortable and relaxing. You can consult an interior designer or search for some professional office interior styles online. Keep everything monotones for a classy look or throw in a splash of color for some fun, either way, make sure the interior is relevant to your brand. You wouldn’t want to make the wrong choice when it comes to the interior. This will create a healthy vibe among your employees and will prevent them from falling asleep the next time.
Other office facilities
Similar to office facilities you also must consider designating some spaces in your office for employees to freshen themselves throughout the day. By that, we mean installing a kitchenette with all basic equipment such as a coffee maker, fridge and microwave. Stock up on food items like coffee, sugar, tea, and milk. Make sure you’ve installed water dispensers at various parts of your office or easily accessible free water bottles or energy drinks for your employees to stay hydrated throughout the day.
For your employees to remain efficient in what they do, make sure they are not deprived of basic office equipment, lack of computers, for instance, in case your office does not have enough PC’s and all of the computers are occupied, it’ll just waste time for you and your employee to wait for each other before they get their work done. That will just cause a delay in the operations and could affect your business adversely. Related article: Best Sites to Buy LinkedIn Connections & Followers in 2020
We’re sure with a few adjustments as the above; your employees will be addicted to their office in no time. You don’t have to worry about making any drastic changes that could do a lot of damage to your pocket, but anything minimal will be just fine too. Consider this as an investment that will pay back over time, as not only are you committing your employees to stay focus and dedicated but you’re also bringing about an increment in the business production and potential.