14 Business Ideas To Start This 2020
- Written by News Company

Have you been thinking of starting a business for quite a while now? But you never took action because you can't think of that specific niche to engage with? Perhaps you have an idea revolving around a product, but no real idea of product positioning and how to manage it. In this case, websites like https://www.qualtrics.com/experience-management/product/positioning/ are the way to go. It's important to do your research, as your mind is so occupied with millions of ideas, and you are still undecided.
If you are to use a word counter with all the business ideas that popped in your mind, you have possibly reached hundreds of thousands of words already. Never let this year pass again. Decide and take massive action to start your own business this year. And to help you with that, here are 14 business ideas to start your own.
1. Back massager
Back pain affects nearly 80% of Americans, and the most common one is low back pain. Because you rely on your back for almost every move you make, it is vulnerable to injury; it can even be disabling.
It is one of the day-to-day problems reminding a visit to your physician and for being absent in your work. It is the second-highest cause of disability in persons under the age of 45.
2. Smartwatch Manufacturing
Smartwatches are computer-like wristwatches. Or some thought of it as a mini mobile device because, just like a phone, you can pick up your calls, send emails and messages there. It could be your mini assistant. Smartwatches can be synchronized with a lot of other devices like a smartphone through a Bluetooth connection.
3. Web Designer
As the demand for websites is burgeoning all around the world, web design business becomes one of the favorite companies in this modern age. If handled properly, it can really take you far and help you make loads of profits in quick time.
You just need to understand the process of handling it. And once you do this, you will be able to generate some excellent results on the go. Don’t waste that talent and knowledge of yours. Make some profits from it.
4. Website to App Conversion Company
Both Android and iPhone operating systems are leading the global market among other mobile operating systems today. These two OS platforms have already revolutionized the way a business or individuals use to communicate.
Mostly all business owners are looking for converting those business websites into mobile application format. So if you have an application development experience, then you can begin with this business.
5. IT as a Service Company
An information technology business can be a goldmine, but it has a large population. That is why you need to research your competitor's weaknesses and make it as your edge to make your business a success. You can start IT equipment, Cloud-Based Services, Digital Agency, Software Development Services, Digital Advertising, firewall freeware, and so on.
6. Corporate Security Services
In the past decade, the demand for this service has boosted. Corporate houses are the most susceptible to threats that can cost their entity's reputation and information. The firms have been continuously improving their services to cater to the growing demands and expectations.
7. WordPress Themes Developer
If you have ever built a website on your own or you are fluent in many different programming languages, then you might be able to benefit from designing your clients' WordPress themes.
Having a development background will undoubtedly give you a starting point as far as being able to develop WordPress themes goes. But there are some specifics that you have to be concerned about.
8. Online Teaching Membership Website
Starting your own paid site is a great way to build a residual income online. Prior to that, you must be able to deliver standard products or contents that will remain people wishing to continue their subscription. Many of the membership sites offer information that teaches people how to earn an income online.
9. Event Planning Business
If you are ready to start planning events and get paid for it, then turn your passion into profit with the most critical steps you need to be successful. Just research your market, create a business plan, then register your business structures.
Afterward, establish your event planning fee structure, enroll in an event planning program, volunteer to get experience, and promote your event planning business. For sure, it will contribute a lot in growing your business.
10. Career Coaching Business
If you are already in the human resources department or a career service from your local library or in an educational establishment, then you already have been confronted with being a career coach.
Whatever you have done to help others find a better job or to better themselves and get fulfilled in their pressing career, then you have again been confronted with this kind of coaching career.
11. Lead Generation for small businesses
Lead Generation for small companies is one of the simplest and quickest ways to increase the number of customers and generate more revenue. It is borne out by facts from the real world numbers of sales.
12. Amazon FBA Business
Amazon FBA is a program set up by Amazon that allows you to use Amazon to the warehouse and then send out your items. It also allows you to sell your items on the Amazon site. It is effortless, but at the same time, it is very powerful and can take your business to the next level for a very low cost.
13. Yoga and Meditation Studio
Yoga is an execution of integrating the mind and body through breathing, movement, and meditation. There are various types of yoga. You can also open a meditation and yoga studio and generate a great chunk of revenue from this field.
14. DNA Analysis
The DNA person is responsible for providing information regarding who and what the person is. Since it contains the design of the genetically past traits taken from both parents.
Whatever business you decide to start with, do not begin without a business plan. Creating a business plan will help you monitor your business, especially in its early stages. Through this, it will help you to avoid failures, which in the long run, will lead you to have a successful business.