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You have a website and want it to appear on the search engine results pages (SERP). Of course, that is every marketer’s desire. When ranked in the SERP, it means Google deemed your site relevant for the searches. Moreover, the fact that it appears on the SERP means many people can view your website and benefit from the information you availed. However, a website does not just appear on the SERP by chance. The owner must thoroughly work on the web design, and the more the efforts, the more the chances are that it will be on the SERP. A fast-loading site, a user-friendly website, a well-organized site, and clearly tagged web images are some of the factors that influence its ranking in the SERP. There is another factor yet- multichannel availability or social marketing. This article discusses how marketing your website in social media will increase the chances of the site's search engine ranking.
Social marketing will increase link - backs and social shares that SEOs use to rank search results.
Web Design company Lilo says in case you are on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you may have realized that almost every presentation will link you to a given content. These are the link-backs. I was watching a video on YouTube on ‘how to have a smaller waist.' As part of this video, the author points out that her audience could watch and subscribe to her YouTube channel and see how body shaper corset enhances having small waists. She was linking us to her other works. Such are the link-backs that Google looks for to rank a website in the search engine. Though, many people take advantage of this and use malicious means like content modification through SEO techniques. To counter this, Google uses other platforms that are more reliable, like Facebook and Twitter. These two have infinite value in making your work a success. Because there are so many users of Facebook and Twitter, your work will be widely shared if it is of good quality. Google pays attention to how much the website has been recommended by being shared. That is used to optimize it in the search engines.
Social marketing boosts the authority of your website.
In optimizing your site in the search engines, Google considers the authority of your work. Have other relevant works cited your website as a reference for some professional jobs? How much credit do those viewing your content give you? The credit earned is typically reflected by the like, comment, and subscribe section. Google looks at what people have to say about your content - whether it was relevant, whether they found it engaging, and whether it generally served its intent. The more likes and positive comments you get, the more the chances Google will optimize your web in the search engines. Some social media platforms have voting sections, and these, too, help improve your ranking in the search engines.
Social marketing will increase your +1s
In social media, we see people second others' comments or reply to quoted texts. This is what is called a +1 in digital marketing. The more the +1 a website has, the more it is optimized by Google. So work on your content and every piece of information, gaining more +1s. The process is nothing out of the ordinary. All you need to do is do research and ensure that the content is up-to-date and useful for the topic you chose. Present the work neatly and efficiently to navigate. Finally, get rid of anything that will slow down your website when prompted to load. When you do this, your web is likely to get more +1s, which optimizes it in the search engines.
Marketing your work on social media will increase the quality of your +1s
Google does not pay attention to the number of +1s only; it also looks at the quality of the +1s. The rate is determined by 'who' credits the website. A great profile giving you the +1s boosts the quality of +1s. Thus, target high profile audiences and enhance the optimization of your website. Also, care to interact with these people meaningfully. Many people only spam; they try building links on the net without interacting with people. How much you interact with people will tell how much credibility your work has, which increases the number of +1s and puts quality in them. Upon searches, it appears in the search engine results page.
Social media itself comes at the top of SERP.
When you search for a company’s profile, the search engine results page will often give the company’s social media platforms at the top. Some other results, like the website, come lower after the social media platforms. This is because it is generally agreed that you get a more personal feel of the company in the social media avenues. From there, you can determine whether the company/website will fit your intents. No wonder Google will give LinkedIn accounts, Facebook pages, and Instagram pages for your search at the top of the SERP list. Needless to say, the greater the audience you have on social media, the greater the influence your website will have. This is because their comments, likes, shares, and subscriptions make you stand out as an influencer in your field. When you work hard to stay relevant, the influence increases, and this will optimize your website.
Think of social marketing as a strategy for optimizing your websites in the search engine. Social media has about 3.8billion users, with YouTube having approximately 1.5billion, Facebook has 900 million, and Twitter 500 million. Do not underestimate the likes, shares, subscriptions, and retweets. They enhance your influence in the industry. When you get more +1s of good quality, Google considers you influential and trusts your works. Suppose you only use SEO techniques but look down upon social marketing. In that case, your venture may not be as successful as it would have been with social media marketing. Ensure your web content is well - organized, neat, meaningful, and up-to-date. With this kind of information, you will have a great profile audience who will help boost your website and make it rank in the SERP.