Viw Magazine

Safety tips for Drones

  • Written by Editor on duty

Since drones as a whole are very new to the scenario of today, not much can be really about how they may or may not affect our future. This is the exact reason why more and more companies are doing groundbreaking research on a daily basis as well as looking at ways to bring them into our everyday lives. After all, the question of the scenario in which drones become rather commonplace becoming a reality is only a matter of time.

Once that happens, surely the risks of accidents and crashes in the case of drones will amplify. David Newton, A U.K based videographer as well as photographer summed it up rather well “The reality with drones is that at some point, something will go wrong and it will crash. They’re a lot like hard drives in that they exist in two states - those that have failed and those that are going to fail.” In that regard, things can certainly get a bit dicey if one isn’t careful enough.

On that note, let’s take a look at some of the top safety tips while drone flying :-

  • Good Weather: Now this is pretty much a no-brainer. In one shot, you can minimize a great number of potential problems that may come your way. Not only that, but you will also be able to keep better track of it in the air.

  • Avoid People/Houses as much as possible: Just in case a lot of you don’t already know, there have been enough number of cases when people have simply shot drones out of the skies when out on a hunt. As bizarre as this may sound, it’s actually true. Further instances of people nearly being killed by drone collisions is also another aspect that needs to be kept in mind.

  • Basic Line Of Sight: The moment you lose visual range, the chances of your drone crashing become much higher. It’s just as simple as that. Not only is keeping your drone within sight a sign of basic drone safety, but also making sure that you know where it is at all times.

  • Avoid Airports: Again, this is kind of stating the obvious. The last thing you would want is for your drone to crash into an aircraft while take-off.

  • Keep an eye out for interference: This is something a lot of people tend to neglect. Whether it’s the mobile phones that are causing the blockage or signal interference, you would need to keep a watch out.

Ultimately, drone flying might seem like a whole lot of unabashed fun, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be careful either. You may be a thorough professional with drones, but a little something called common sense isn’t exactly ingrained in most people's minds either. There have been enough examples of people behaving in a stupid manner by throwing caution to the wind. Unless you happen to have a racing drone, there’s really no need for you to push the throttle to the max. Unfortunately this will only lead to the government clamping down by passing tough and rigid laws on drone flying as a whole.





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