Viw Magazine

Business Coach


  • Written by Chloe Taylor

Australia is such a huge place that there are hundreds of ways you can experience this country. You can hire guides to show you the cities, stay in fancy hotels and eat some great local food. While this way of tourism is comfortable, it’s not very unique and exciting. If you want to feel the adrenaline and come back home with a one-of-a-kind experience, here are some more unusual ways you can experience the Land Down Under.

Experience Sydney from air

You simply must see the famous city harbor and all its wonders, so instead of going on foot, you can fly to the skies in a chartered plane. Take your plane over Northern Beaches before you land somewhere secluded for a nice dinner. If you have a partner traveling with you, this will be one of the most romantic things you will ever experience, especially your private picnic on the beach.

Ride a tram in Melbourne

Are you a fan of fine dining? Well, instead of hitting regular (albeit top-tier) Melbourne restaurants, you can have a fun dining experience aboard the city’s historical tramcar. These restaurants on the move allow you to cruise the city streets while filling up on delicious seasonal foods and even more delicious Australian wine. And the trams themselves will blow your mind with their plush velvet interior, vintage brass fittings and cozy luxurious atmosphere.

Have a road trip around Perth

One of the best ways to experience any destination, especially those in Australia, is to have a road trip. This move will provide you with all the freedom to tailor your adventure according to your desires and do the exploration at your own pace. And Perth is a perfect destination for a road trip. When you find a reliable car rental in Perth and get your vehicle, you can start your journey in the city by exploring the CBD. If you rent an SUV, you can take the Indian Ocean Drive and hit the Lancelin Sand Dunes and the Pinnacles Desert. If you love hiking and climbing, Kalbarri National Park is also a great destination for you. Additionally, don’t forget to visit the iconic Pink Lake (about an hour away from Geraldton) and take some Insta-perfect photos.

Float over Queensland

Queensland is famous for its coastline that takes one’s breath away, so make sure to stay in Australia until you fully experience its natural beauty. But don’t neglect the cities as well, especially gorgeous Brisbane. How can you have a unique 2-in-1 adventure that will allow you to see both at the same time? Take a hot air balloon ride and you’ll gently float over Queensland’s urban landscapes that slowly turn into farmlands, vineyards, dreamy villages and bold national parks. Land at O’Reilly’s estate and enjoy a glam breakfast and a relaxing stroll around the vineyard.

Take a guided tour to Uluru

Uluru (aka Ayers Rock) is a must-see destination in Australia no matter if you’re an adrenaline junky, history buff or a nature lover. However, the way you experience this important landmark will make a difference in your impression. Book a tour with a local guide and you will get to see all the most important parts of this natural wonder. But that’s not all! Your Aboriginal guide will teach you all about indigenous nutrition and medicine, how locals survived in the desert and how they hunted animals and harvested plants. You’ll come back with many new skills and experiences.

Sleep under the stars at the Great Barrier Reef

Your trip to Australia won’t be complete without diving under the surface and experiencing the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef. Sail to the Reefworld pontoon at Hardy Reef and you will get the chance to see the marine wonders of the Australian waters. Once the crowds depart from the pontoon (around 3 pm) you will be left alone some 40 nautical miles from the shore to enjoy the silence and peace of the Reef. Since you’ll be so far away from the hustle, bustle and lights of the civilization, the night sky will treat you to an unforgettable spectacle of glittering stars. Choosing to spend the night under the stars is magical yet safe even for solo female travelers.

Swim with sea giants in Western Australia

This is another unique ocean experience. If you love diving and are not afraid to join whale sharks on their swim, hit Exmouth in Western Australia and take a plunge with these gentle giants. Whale sharks are gigantic yet peaceful beasts who know how to put things in perspective for us tiny humans. If you weren’t invested in nature protection, the grace of these animals will certainly awaken your eco-friendly spirit. This is a unique experience (a handful of destinations in the world offer this kind of encounter) you’ll get to cherish forever.

There’s nothing wrong with a basic Australian adventure, but these unique experiences will give you a fun and magical impression of the country. You will definitely want to return to Oz for the second round of Australian adventure.


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